Emma Lutz is a designer and photographer born in 2001 in Metz (Eastern France). Gratuated from École Boulle in 2022, she is currently a design master student at ENSCI - Les Ateliers.
Also laureat of national French Ministry of Culture open call “Mondes Nouveaux”, she collaborated with Internation Center of Glass Art (CIAV, Meisenthal) and glass artist during the year 2022.
From February to July 2023, she was design resident of National Taiwan Craft Research and Development Institut (Nantou, Taiwan).

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December 2022 to July 2023
Photography dialogue between Le Havre (France) and Kaohsiung (Taiwan) fishing harbours

Canon 250D - 24-105mm
Ricoh KR5 - 35mm
Yashica MAT 124G
After visiting Le Havre fishing harbour in December 2022, I became more and more fascinated by the soft choregraphy of fishing ritual. The sounds, the smells and the living beings that are sharing their existence together through life and death.
Men have always been attracted by the sea because of what they can use from it. But also by all of what cannot be seen.

That is why, when I arrived to Taiwan in February 2023, I went to visit Kaohsiung and its internationnaly well-known fishing harbour. So different then the ones in France and yet the sounds and smells where echoing Le Havre, like a universal language that only can be spoken by those living from the sea.